Introduction to Web and HTML

Introduction to Web and HTML


2 min read

A webpage is a document, written in HTML, that is viewed in an Internet browser.HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language which is a standard language for writing web pages . For viewing any web page on internet , a web server is required.

Web Server

Web Server is a hardware/software which is used to serve web pages to the end users.When user enters a url , an HTTP request is send to the web server having the web page for underlying url.When server finds the requested document it send it back to the user which is displayed as a web page. Example of web servers: Apache,nginx etc.

Live Server

Like a normal web server, we can have our own local web server which can serve the webpage we create and show it on the web browser without internet .Live server is an extension which can be added to the text editors to show real time changes we do in the web pages through a browser. Examples: Live server by Ritwik Dey

Text editor

Text editor is an application/tool where we write all the html codes and save it so that it can be dispalyed as a webpage. Examples: VS code,Atom,Sublime text,NP++ etc.


Using HTML we can create our own website. HTML is the standard language for creating a webpage. Whenever we create a html page we give its extension as '.html' or '.htm' . Usually we create a page index.html as homepage as it is considered as default page by web server.HTML is mainly comprised of tags and elements. HTML Tags are used for showing the contents of a web page in a meaning full manner.Tags are denoted by <> symbol.Any thing we write inside <> is a tag.Example :

  • <h1>Hello World<h1>. This is a heading tag which is used to show heading for a page/section.There 6 heading tags h1 to h6, h1 being the most important heading and h6 the least.
  • <p>This is a paragraph tag</p>. This is paragraph tag which is used to represent the content as a pragraph.

  • <img src="abc.jpg" width="500" height="600" alt="abc image">. This tag is used to add image to our web page.

We have attributes inside a tag which is used to provide additional information for a tag.In the above example we have attributes like width ,height,alt etc.

Everything from start tag <> to end tag <> is known as Element. For purpose of writing any text content in a webpage and testing we can use lorem ipsum to generate random texts with any word limit.